Found 15 Posts

A glass of water and a good sleep can be...
Detox diet has always been considered to eliminate the toxins from the body but a recent study reveals the fact that it’s better to take a glass of water and enjoy good sleep than to use Detox ...

Maintain your Prostate Health with Super...
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is important to maintain your health; this can only be done when you would take healthy diet. You should take a diet that is good not only for your heart b...

Experts Declare Soft Drinks the New Toba...
A new controversy regarding the use of sugar drinks or soft drinks seems to be appeared; a leading public health doctor says that soft drinks should be labeled with health warnings, these drinks sho...

$1500 Google Glass can Cause Headaches
Health fears for new users of Google Glass as Google's own doctor admits that the $1500 smart gadget can cause headaches. Users complain that the device cause sharp pains and headaches, the device pla...

Scientists have identified a link betwee...
research suggests that statins can bLatest e used to prevent breast cancer as scientists have identified a link between breast cancer and cholesterol. It has been reported that in UK, 7 million people...

NICE Calls for more Obese People with a ...
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is ruling doubles to 1.8 million the numbers qualifying for tax-payer funded surgery. NICE offers weight loss surgery to a million diabetes pat...

Diet Foods and Fats
You may listen the women saying that we are on diet; we take the diet foods including grapes, green juice and coconut water; but after some time they notice their gained weight and in that case, diet ...

Grasshopper Shake: Get your Creamy and M...
Grasshopper shake is a standard drink in which all the ingredients have equal parts including white crème de cacao, green crème de menthe and heavy cream served in martini glass. With the fres...

It’s all about the Milk you are P...
Drinking milk is an ever existing part of our culture; whether it’s about putting in coffee or consuming the dairy products from yogurt to cheese to ice-cream. Meanwhile, traditional cow milk h...

Health warning…! Itlian treat is t...
Pizza had the largest impact on diet when eaten as a snack between meals. Pizza is the second-highest source of calories for kids ages 2 to 18, researchers have found. They say America's love of piz...

The spray that could put you to sleep in...
The spray is a mix of melatonin, tytosine and distilled water.Melatonin is a natural hormone that regulates the body's internal clock.Spray delivers melatonin gradually and so claims to be more effect...

How to drink more water.
The human body is about 66 percent water so it’s no surprise that H2O is vital to our daily health and functioning.While there’s not an exact amount of water a person has to drink every ...

Doctors: Screen time affects teens' slee...
Those with screen time of more than four hours per day were three and a half times likelier to sleep fewer than five hours at night a probe found.Now doctors have proof: the more time teenagers spend ...

5 Foods That Can Kill You But Are Local ...
How far are you willing to go to enjoy a rare delicacy? These foreign foods aren’t just delicious — they’re also potentially deadly!Giant BullfrogEver looked at a 7-inch-wide bull...

16 Ways To-Proof Your Brain.
What’s good for your body is good for your brain. That means eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and veggies and not much sugar, saturated fat, or alcohol, as well as getting enough exer...